Friday, February 27, 2009

A Reason

There's a song written by Shawn McDonald called "Time." This particular song is a favorite of mine because it was something I dedicated not too long ago to someone dear to me. I was revisited by the thoughts and emotions that came attached to that very song and the not too distant past with which it was linked. The lyrics in the song go as follows in the chorus: "...for everything there's a reason, for everything there's a time."

There is a reason for her. There is a reason for her being in my life. There is a reason for me being in her life. The only thing that ails me is not having the slightest clue as to what that reason is. I am pulled in several different directions in my head, each reason sufficient enough to sustain the direction in which I am being pulled. Sometimes I wonder why I make the choices that I do. At times, it may seem stupid the decision that I am making. At others it is perfectly logical. This case would definitely fall under the category of the former.

Regardless if she knows it or not, the concern and care that I have grown to feel for her has not changed. Is it supposed to? Is this what it feels like to lose? Or was I merely a catalyst subjected to being used to bring about a change in her life for the improvement of her well being?

There are so many questions that come with the regret of a decision made, regardless if that decision were the right one or not. Hopefully one day, soon if at all possible, You could reveal to me the answer. I'm in a puzzle that is missing pieces.

If I had a prayer to pray tonight it would be this: that my decisions be totally subjected to Your good and perfect will. I can't be perfect. I know this. I do know that I don't know everything. I am, however, striving for perfection in the midst of the imperfections that define my life. God help me to do just that: strive. I pray daily for a blessing to come to everyone on the List. Thank you again for being so good to me...

Gabe Easter

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Plastic Praise

The missionary today, for the life of me I cannot remember how to spell his last name, but Bro. Cooney (sp?) talked to us today about our ministries and he said something that struck me concerning our praise. He referred to these particular instances of praise in which we, robotically, praise God as "plastic praise." There's a big difference between something that is fake and something that is genuine and that should be distinct to any one with a half-way decently trained perception. That difference is found in one word and one word only: authenticity. It is a very recognizable trait in anyone who can be found guilty of being "genuine." Those "plastic praisers" oftentimes have a tendency to be misleading in their motives and in their methods of praising the way they do. Don't praise God like a Barbie-doll. He's not a plastic God. Don't give Him plastic praise. Give Him what He deserves from you: everything.

If I had a prayer to pray tonight it would be this: that my praise would be nothing less than everything I have to give to You. Had it not been for your redeeming blood I surely would not be where I am today. Thank You. I pray daily for a blessing to come to everyone on the List. Thank you again for being so good to me...

Gabe Easter

Monday, February 23, 2009

When A Psycho Calls...

So today I received a very interesting phone call from someone whom (A) I would not in a million have guessed would call me ever again in the course of their lifetime and (B) someone whom I did NOT want to call me.

Have you ever had one of "those" girlfriends? Or to you girls, have you ever had one of "those" boyfriends? You know, the girl who says she loves you immediately after her boyfriend of two years has broken up with her and you had a relationship with her three years prior to now and since have done your best to keep your distance for the simple fact that she is PSYCHOTIC?

Well, this just happens to be one of those cases. I try my best to be a good person to everone I come into contact with, especially if I am planning on commencing a relationship with them. I did just that with this particular individual and now it has resurrected in attempts to haunt me and perhaps even try my patience. I even happened to be the one who ended the relationship and still to this day they are convinced that we are meant to be together. It is scary. I will not lie.

So my advice to anyone who is reading would be this: when a psycho calls, DO NOT ANSWER. It is in your best interest not to.

Other than that, today overall was a good day. You woke me up this morning. It's funny how we can just state that simple fact and that is more than enough to give you praises for. So, Thank You. I'm still searching for a job but hope is well in sight. For that, I must give you thanks where it is due. When we give things over to a higher power it always works out in our best interest. I pray daily for a blessing to come to everyone on the List. Thank you again for being so good to me...

Gabe Easter