Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Plastic Praise

The missionary today, for the life of me I cannot remember how to spell his last name, but Bro. Cooney (sp?) talked to us today about our ministries and he said something that struck me concerning our praise. He referred to these particular instances of praise in which we, robotically, praise God as "plastic praise." There's a big difference between something that is fake and something that is genuine and that should be distinct to any one with a half-way decently trained perception. That difference is found in one word and one word only: authenticity. It is a very recognizable trait in anyone who can be found guilty of being "genuine." Those "plastic praisers" oftentimes have a tendency to be misleading in their motives and in their methods of praising the way they do. Don't praise God like a Barbie-doll. He's not a plastic God. Don't give Him plastic praise. Give Him what He deserves from you: everything.

If I had a prayer to pray tonight it would be this: that my praise would be nothing less than everything I have to give to You. Had it not been for your redeeming blood I surely would not be where I am today. Thank You. I pray daily for a blessing to come to everyone on the List. Thank you again for being so good to me...

Gabe Easter

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