Monday, March 16, 2009
When the Sandbar isn't There...
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Cause
IBC Praise is held to some sort of higher level because of a name. People will literally drive themselves into the ground in attempts to possess the ability to say "I'm in IBC Praise." Trust me, I know. I've lived with one of those people. It has frustrated me though because I absolutely loathed the job that was assigned me. On top of that, I was rendered unable to go on MSA trips or take hold of any opportunity that would allow me to do what I felt God called me to do: preach.
I oftentimes have thought to myself Pastors, worship leaders, singers, ushers, and yes, even janitors, are all just people. They're just THAT: people. Praise members are just that as well: people. I know that being in Praise does not change who you are. You are still a person like everyone else, and just because you are in it or not does not determine whether you are any better or any less than the person who is or isn't. At the same time, it is something. It is a ministry.
This weekend revealed to me just that. Though I may run sound and sing with Praise, it is more than just doing those duties. It is a ministry that can touch the lives of many. God spoke to me this Sunday as I knelt to the steps of an altar, weeping, wondering why I was there doing what I was doing. Why am I here God? Why am I not on an MSA preaching the Word like I feel You've called me to do? Then He spoke. He told me this: this ministry, if you allow, could be what opens the doors to your ministry. My face hit the floor in that instant...and in that moment in time I found my cause.
My cause is a people. A people that are hungry for something that they cannot attain in the places in which they seek for it. So my reason for being in Praise and not giving up for the much easier path to ministry? A catalyst for my cause.
If I had a prayer to pray tonight it would be this: that I would never forget that nothing is by accident and that God has all in His control. He knows what to do in my life and for that I am truly thankful. As always, I pray daily for a blessing to come to everyone on the List. Thank you again for being so good to me...
Gabe Easter
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Shout Out to Melinda Poitras and Lauren Curton
Designed with You in mind
Melinda. Words, especially the ones written above, are not enough to entail the awesomeness of your persona. Had I had the ability to manifest such words, they would already be written and this written portion would be much shorter than what it is at present. You are a dear friend and you are usually always there when I need someone to talk to. Thanks for being there Melinda. Love ya!
If I had the vocabulary to construct a proverbial heart-rendering statement that would make you laugh and bring you to tears when you read probably wouldn't be this one. But if I ever had the capacity to do so, know that I would. Thanks for always being a great friend. You are my Lois Lane. <---this is in reference to the posters if you hadn't noticed. :P
I love you both. You are and have been amazing assets to this ridiculousness called my life. Thanks for being there. :)
Clark Kent
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Praise and Worship
I thought about the meaning of the word "PRAISE." Immediately the word "WORSHIP" came to my mind.
The word "praise" means to glorify, to give utterance of approval, or worship expressed in song. The word "worship" means the paying of reverence through various means such as prayer, praise, or exhaltation.
Praise is part of our worship. We express our thankfulness and respect for God by offering praises to Him. But Worship involves more than praise. In our worship of God, we show our love to Him through obeying His commandments, living the way of life He has revealed through His written word, the Bible, communicating with Him in prayer, meeting and fellowshipping with other believers, and in offering praises to Him.
So if nothing else, my prayer tonight would be this: that my praise would always be backed by my worship. You can praise God all your life and never worship Him, but you can never worship Him and not praise Him. I would hope that my worship not only matches my praise, but overwhelms it. As always, I pray daily for a blessing to come to everyone on the List. Thank you again for being so good to me...
Gabe Easter